Enrique Castrejon :  Los Angeles, CA

Question In The Line

Question In The Line, 2013 at The Collaborative: A Project of the Arts Council for Long Beach and the Museum of Latin American (MOLAA) curated by Idurre Alonso and Selene Preciado invited me to create an installation in response to specifically selected artworks from the museum's collection Kukulkan, 2009 by Dario Escobar, and Attempt to Construct, 2010, by Ricardo Rodriguez. The final result Uno en Uno, Orto en Orto, Orto en Uno- A Fantastic Tale, an installation of an infinite serpent an Ouroboros (each serpent eating the others tail with 3 serpents rendered), was my response to the reference from each of these works. I created my installation drawings out permanent marker, graphite, adhesive tape, glue, map tacks on various ripped paper and acetate. Each serpent was measured in inches and calculated angle degrees rendered in three different manners.

Thank you Idurre, Selene, Dario, Ricardo, The Collective and MOLAA to participate in this exhibition. Below I provide additional images of this serpent installation.